Think here on your step-by-step plan or proprietary system. List a complex of providers, suppliers, processes, tools, or systems that you own, granting your internet cafe a benefit or competitive advantage. As a basic think of the following:
Here it is relevant to remind that provided you go with the franchise option, the proprietary system as well as the main cyber cafe requirements will be provided by franchisor for you to use. Of course, the terms and conditions might be different depending on the agreement, but the fundamental restrictive unit for the beginning you will get in most of cases.
What are your objectives? (define your goals) Last but not least - schedule your goals. Elaborate some plans regarding sales, revenue and profit you intend to make. Devise a roadmap of future development of your business. Think of your goals in terms of short-and long-time perspectives. Draft them for 1-year, 2-years, 5-years time span or longer. While setting your goals on the paper use the rule of S.M.A.R.T. In other words, keep your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.