Before establishing a business it is always useful to make up a list of advantages and disadvantages. We have gathered some of them, which are relevant for an Internet cafe business, yet keep in mind, that it might look different in each case, depending on the particular market and the entrepreneurial experience of yours.
- Business works 24/7. In practice this means that as an entrepreneur you have to be constantly in touch to solve problems that may arise (e.g., violation of the rules by clients, various unforeseeable situations etc.) At least in the beginning you need to be fully involved in order to understand the specifics of the business, the target audience, identify weak spots etc. It is also necessary to be aware of the latest innovations in the field of gaming and eSports.
- It is difficult to scale the business. Internet cafe business has its limits. Once a company is launched, pays back and starts to bring net profit, there are just a couple of options to scale: either to sell franchises or open a network of Internet cafes. You can establish a business and get a stable income, yet it will always remain at the same level.
- Regular update/replacement of equipment. Each product has its life cycle. Since computers in Internet cafes are used constantly, their wear and tear happens way faster. Besides regular maintenance, cleaning, and minor repairs of the computers, it is necessary to completely replace the equipment every 2-4 years. First of all, because of its wear and secondly, due to outdated parameters. Every year new games are released, increasing the requirements to the computer components - processor, video card, memory etc. Fast and powerful computers are one of the reasons why gamers visit cyber cafes. Thus, if you do not update the equipment, you risk to lose part of the target audience.
- Low budget needed for start. Compared to other businesses, cyber cafes are generally simple to set up. Main costs for launching an Internet cafe comprise computers, monitors and consoles. An average business with 15-20 computers, will require between $30,000 and $50,000. This is a rather small budget for business, which in time will bring you regular income.
- Payback after 12 months (average). Cyber cafe business, you can quickly setup and configure all the processes, provided you thought everything through and made preliminary calculations. The payback of such a business can take from 9 to 14 months. Then you get a net income and can plan to expand. Of course, everything depends on your particular case, and if you add a bar and kitchen in parallel, then it may take more time.
- Little competition. 15 years ago, when Internet cafes were very popular, there was a big competition. There were many cybercafes where one could go, and there were a few or no empty seats. Today, the focus has shifted, as everyone has a computer at home. Cyber cafes are made for the atmosphere, community, and a possibility to play on professional PCs. The second wave of popularity of cybercafes has just begun, yet still few competitors, which makes it possible to quickly attract the target audience to your place. At the same time, more tournaments are being held every year.
- Combination with other types of business. As a rule, the main service of your business will be providing access to the Internet, and/or new games on PCs and consoles. In addition, you can expand your business with related services. If you decided to start a cybercafe business you might face the situations when some of your clients ask for photocopies, printing documents, photos, etc. By simply buying a printer-scanner you can get additional income, while it will also be useful in the daily work of the cybercafe. Also, when players spend more than 3-4 hours in the Internet cafe, they need at least one break to eat and drink. Thus, building a coffee area will bring extra income and allow your clients to spend more time in your cybercafe.